Thursday, March 31, 2011

Technology State Standards

As I view the technology State Standards I noticed how much they have changed. For example the first standard use to be:
Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology operations and concepts
Teachers needed to demonstrate the understanding of technology but it didn't necessarily say how to use the technology and in cooperate it in class.
Now the standard states:
Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
Now we as educators need to inspire the use of technology. We've come a long way from undertsnading concepts to know actually facilitaing creaticvity through technology.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Too Funny!


What is something new that you learned?
I wasn't in class last week so I don't feel like I learned much, but my friend Diana is so awesome that she showed me how to use google document. I found it really interesting and think that this would be wonderful during meetings and in-services. 
What is something that you can apply to your current classroom technology use? (if not currently--what could you apply in the future?)
If I taught middle school I think Google Doc would be very useful! I try to in-cooperate technology in everything we do in class. For example our building has a federal grant for breakfast. Our students have breakfast every morning in class. My task as a member of the better learning team in my building was finding an instructional activity for students K-2. I decided that doing Brain Pop Jr. was the a great way to in cooperate technology geared to our curriculum.

Monday, March 7, 2011

All About Me...

Greenman ElementaryI am the Educator4good I have been teaching for six years, two years in Intercultura Montessori school in Oak Park, one year in Woodridge district 68, and three years in Aurora West district 129. I currently teach second grade at Greenman Elementary. I love to travel and spend time with my three sons named Jude, Aiden, and Luke